PBL Program at Kyutech, Japan

A collaborative study between the Department of Robotics and AI Engineering and the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) in Iizuka, Japan on the Problem-Based Learning program (PBL) under the Sakura Science Program (SSP), which is led by Professor Eiji Hayashi and Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Ohtake. This program aims for collaborative work between Thai and Japanese students and has culminated in the creation of a real robot at Kyutech on January 21, 2024.

The PBL program is collaborative work online for six months and involves three universities: Kyutech, KMITL, and KMUTNB. In this program, Thai students construct a robot in Thailand, while Japanese students build a counterpart in Japan. At final, the Thai students travel to Japan to integrate the robots.

Moreover, the students received a warm welcome, which included opportunities to visit the frontier laboratory, further enriching their knowledge. The presenters included our alumni from RAI and RCIS, who are continuing their studies at Kyutech.


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